Lectures (in PDF format)

Blackboard Lecture
# Day Date Topic Notes or PDF
01 M 2018_01_22 Introduction Images from lecture
02 W 2018_01_24 Properties of Light Pt. 1Blackboard Lecture
03 F 2018_01_26 Properties of Light Pt. 2Blackboard Lecture
04 M 2018_01_29 Properties of Light Pt. 3Blackboard Lecture
05 W 2018_01_31 Imaging Systems Pt. 1 Blackboard Lecture
06 F 2018_02_02 Imaging Systems Pt. 2 Blackboard Lecture
07 M 2018_02_05 Imaging Systems Pt. 3 Blackboard Lecture
08 W 2018_02_07 Aerial Photographs Pt. 1
09 F 2018_02_09 Aerial Photographs Pt. 2 PDF Lecture Slides
10 M 2018_02_12 Landsat Pt. 1 PDF Lecture Slides
11 W 2018_02_14 Landsat Pt. 2 PDF Lecture Slides
12 F 2018_02_16 Other Satellites PDF Lecture Slides
13 M 2018_02_19 Mineral Absorptions Pt. 1 PDF Lecture Slides
14 W 2018_02_21 Mineral Absorptions Pt. 2 Continue with above PDF slides
15 F 2018_02_23 Mineral Absorptions Pt. 3 Continue with above PDF slides
16 M 2018_02_26 Thermal Remote Sensing Pt. 1 PDF Lecture Slides
17 W 2018_02_28 Thermal Remote Sensing Pt. 2 PDF Lecture Slides
18 F 2018_03_02 Thermal Remote Sensing Pt. 3 Continue with above PDF slides
19 M 2018_03_05 Midterm Exam Review
20 W 2018_03_07 Midterm Exam
21 F 2018_03_09 Thermal Remote Sensing Pt. 4, plus exam answersContinue with above PDF slides
22 M 2018_03_19 Radar Pt. 1PDF Lecture Slides
23 W 2018_03_21 Radar Pt. 2Continue with above PDF slides
24 F 2018_03_23 Radar Pt. 3Continue with above PDF slides
25 M 2018_03_26 Radar Pt. 4PDF Lecture Slides
26 W 2018_03_28 Digital Image Processing Pt. 1PDF Lecture Slides
27 F 2018_03_30 Dig. Im. Proc. Pt. 2 & Lidar, GRACEPDF Lecture Slides
28 M 2018_04_02 Dig. Im. Proc. Pt. 3 (Linear Mixing Models)PDF Lecture Slides
29 W 2018_04_04 Dig. Im. Proc. Pt. 4 (Map Projections)PDF Lecture Slides
30 F 2018_04_06 Environmental Remote Sensing Pt. 1PDF Lecture Slides
31 M 2018_04_09 Environmental Remote Sensing Pt. 2Continue with the above PDF slides
32 W 2018_04_11 Environmental Remote Sensing Pt. 3 (Oceans)
& Lunar Geol. Overview for lab
PDF Lecture Slides
33 F 2018_04_13 Hewson et al Aster Mapping Paper discussionPDF Lecture Slides
34 M 2018_04_16 VegetationPDF Lecture Slides
35 W 2018_04_18 Oil Exploration, Hapke TheoryPDF Lecture Slides
36 F 2018_04_20 Mineral Exploration, Land Use ClassificationPDF Lecture Slides
37 M 2018_04_23 Natural HazardsPDF Lecture Slides
38 W 2018_04_25 GIS Systems DemonstrationPDF Lecture Slides
39 F 2018_04_27 Review using Death Valley Data Pt. 1PDF Lecture Slides
40 M 2018_04_30 Review using Death Valley Data Pt. 2Continue with the above PDF slides
41 W 2018_05_02 Review using Howell research overviewPDF Lecture Slides
42 F 2018_05_04 Kilauea Eruption update plus ReviewPDF Lecture Slides

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