All work and no play?
We hiked, we mapped, we cooked, and we rowed. We may have done a lot of work, but we always found time for some fun. These photos only scratch the surface.
A little hacky sack is a good way to stretch in the middle of a long car ride.
Brilliant extra-curricular activities designed by Josh Sigler provided hours of good fun. These included both the 'light-saber' game, as well as 'Nalgene bocce'.

Another good way to stretch... yoga on a sandbar. What a bunch of goofballs!
How about two on one? Craig shows off his light-saber game skills by taking on Josh and Lars. The game is always better with sound effects!
How about an impromptu game of "Nalgene Bocce?" Mmm... mochi balls. Apparently they don't keep well in a cooler.
Well, we might as well climb these rocks. Sigler enjoys a campside boulder problem.