Reference Material and Links


NASA ADS Abstract Service


Wilhelms  1987,  Geologic History of the Moon

Lunar Science at the Lunar & Planetary Institute

Lunar Atlases (at Lunar & Planetary Institute)

Lunar Geologic Maps (at Lunar & Planetary Institute)

Lunar Images (at Lunar & Planetary Institute)

Apollo Lunar Surface Journals (at NASA History office)

LCROSS Mission Website

GRAIL (Ebb and Flow) Mission Website

Sept. 2013 conference on The Origin of the Moon

In Sept. 2013 the third major conference on the origin of the moon was held in London. The papers resulting from that meeting are contained in the Sept. 13, 2014 issue of "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society". The original list of talks at the meeting is available and if you click on the "+" before each talk you can access an mp3 audio recording. Unfortunately, without the corresonding slides, the audio can be hard to follow. Finaly, there is a video podcast by Halliday, one of the meeting organizers, discussing the results of the meeting. Impact simulations by Cannup are shown starting at 8:30 in the podcast.

Habitable Worlds 2017 Conference

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