Lectures (in PDF format)

# Day Date Topic & PDF Link Notes
01 W 2017_08_30 Class Organization, Solar System and Asteroid OverviewContinue with this PDF for Fri.
02 F 2017_09_01 Solar System and Asteroid Overview Pt. 2Continue with above PDF
03 W 2017_09_06 Solar System and Asteroid Overview Pt. 2
04 F 2017_09_08 Solar System and Asteroid Overview, continuedConinue with above PDF, plus Rozel et al. reading.
05 M 2017_09_11 Chem. equilibrium equations for Fri. paperBlackboard lecture
06 W 2017_09_13 Solar System and Asteroid Overview, continuedContinue with above PDF (and pg 1-5 of Mineralogy Summary)
07 F 2017_09_15 Grossman paperSee Reading List page for links to paper
08 M 2017_09_18 Solar System and Asteroid Overview, continuedContinue with above PDF
09 W 2017_09_20 Beyond the standard equil. condensation model
10 F 2017_09_22 Connelly et al and Simon et al paper student presentations
11 M 2017_09_25 Finish above lecture, then melting of rocks pt. 1Use Mineralogy Summary, link on class home page
12 W 2017_09_27 Melting of rocks pt. 2Use Mineralogy Summary, link on class home page
13 F 2017_09_29 Gomes et al paper student presentation
14 M 2017_10_02 Lunar Geology Pt. 1 (Overview)
15 W 2017_10_04 Lunar Geology Pt. 2 (Lunar Differentiation)
16 F 2017_10_06aLunar Geology Pt. 3 (Lunar Differentiation continued) Continue with above PDF
17 F 2017_10_06bBugiolacchi et al and Lawrence et al papers, student presentations
18 M 2017_10_09Lunar Geology Pt. 4 (Secondary differentiation?)
19 W 2017_10_11Lunar Geology Pt. 5 Gravity, Thermal History
20 F 2017_10_13aZuber and Andrews-Hanna papers, student presentations
21 F 2017_10_13bCratering
22 M 2017_10_23Recent Lunar Results
23 W 2017_10_25Magma OceansAtmo. slides moved to next Monday slide set
24 F 2017_10_27Hartman and Crawford papers, student presentations
25 M 2017_10_31Atmospheres Pt. 1
26 W 2017_11_01Atmospheres Pt. 2
27 F 2017_11_03aDesch and Neveu, and Howard Pluto/Charon papers, student presentations
28 F 2017_11_03bPluto IntroductionAlso finish above Atmospheres Circulation
29 M 2017_11_06Review for midterm exam
30 W 2017_11_08Midterm Exam
31 F 2017_11_10Titan Introduction
32 M 2017_11_13Choukroun et al. and Birch et al. Titan papers, student presentations
33 W 2017_11_15Exam results and discussion
34 F 2017_11_17Habitable Worlds 2017 Panel (on NASA TV)
35 M 2017_11_20Mars Introduction Part 1.

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