Exercises (in PDF format)

# Date Topic Notes
01 2018_01_26 Exploring QGIS
02 2018_02_02 Geologic Maps
03 2018_02_02 Using CRS's and Shapefiles
04 2018_02_09 Advanced Shapefile Editing Pt. 1 and ...
04b 2018_02_09 Advanced Shapefile Editing Pt. 2
05 2018_02_16 Python Pt. 1
06 2018_02_23 Spatial data bases, plus raster (DEM) operations
07 2018_03_02 RasterLite, SQL, and Print Composer
08 2018_03_09 ESRI Geodabases in QGIS, Plugin Repositories, and ArcGIS Intro.
09 2018_03_23 Creating NCGMP09 maps using the ESRI GMT tool
10 2018_03_30 Creating NCGMP09 maps using the USGS tool
11 2018_04_06 Read the newly released GeMS (Geologic Map Schema) which replaces NCGMP09
and experiment with the Exercise 11 python code (using the QGIS Python Console).
12 2018_04_20 Modified USGS Map Short Course using GeMS 2018_04 tool
We worked through approximately pg. 12 in class. We'll continue the in-class work there next Friday,
but see if you can work ahead on your own.

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