Publications (click to download)
Calkins, J., Zandt, G.,Girardi, J., Dueker, K., Gehrels, G., Ducea, M., Characterization of the crust of the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, from P to S converted seismic waves and petrologic modeling.
Zurek, B. and K. Dueker (2004). Lithospheric Layering Beneath the southern Rocky Mountains from the CD-ROM experiment, AGU Monograph.
Dueker, K. and H. Yuan (2004). Upper Mantle P-wave velocity structure from PASSCAL teleseismic transects across Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado, Geophys. Res. Lett. 31(L08603): doi:10.1029/2004GL019476.
Yuan, H. and K. Dueker (2004). Upper Mantle Tomographic Vp and Vs images of the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico: Evidence for Thick, Laterally Heterogeneous Lithosphere, AGU Monograph.Humphreys, E., E. Erslev, T. Atwater, E. Hessler, K. Dueker and G. L. Farmer (2003). How laramide-age hydration of North American Lithosphere by the Farallon Slab controlled subsequent activity in the Western United States, International Geology Review 45(7): 575-595.
.Morozov Igor, B., and G. Dueker Kenneth, Morozov, I. B., and Dueker, K., Depth-Domain Processing of Teleseismic Receiver Functions and Signal-to-noise ratios of teleseismic receiver functions and effectiveness of stacking for their enhancement, JGR. Journal of Geophysical Research. B, 108 (doi:10.1029/2001JB001692), 2003.
Heller, P. L., K. G. Dueker and M. E. McMillan (2003). "Post-Paleozoic alluvial gravel transport as evidence of continental tilting in the U.S. Cordillera." GSA Bulletin 115(9).
Gilbert, H. J., A. F. Sheehan, K. G. Dueker and P. Molnar (2003). "Receiver functions in the western United States, with implications for upper mantle structure and dynamics." Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth 108(5): ESE 3-1 - 3-19.
Tyson, A. R., S. B. Smithson, K. G. Dueker, C. T. Foster, E. A. Morozova, K. E. Karlstrom and K. R. Chamberlain (2002). "Proterozoic Farwell Mountain-Lester Mountain suture zone, northern Colorado: Subduction flip and progressive assembly of arcs." Geology 30(10): 943-946.
Karlstrom, K. E., S. A. Bowring, K. R. Chamberlain, K. G. Dueker, T. Eshete, E. A. Erslev, G. L. Farmer, M. Heizler, E. D. Humphreys, R. A. Johnson, G. R. Keller, S. A. Kelley, A. Levander, M. B. Magnani, J. P. Matzel, A. M. McCoy, K. C. Miller, E. A. Morozova, F. J. Pazzaglia, C. Prodehl, H. M. Rumpel, C. A. Shaw, A. F. Sheehan, E. Shoshitaishvili, S. B. Smithson, C. M. Snelson, L. M. Stevens, A. R. Tyson and M. L. Williams (2002). "Structure and evolution of the lithosphere beneath the Rocky Mountains; initial results from the CD-ROM experiment." GSA Today 12(3): 4-10.
Gilbert, H. J., A. F. Sheehan, D. A. Wiens, K. G. Dueker, L. M. Dorman, J. Hildebrand and S. Webb (2001). "Upper mantle discontinuity structure in the region of the Tonga Subduction Zone." Geophysical Research Letters 28(9): 1855-1858.
Dueker, K., H. Yuan and B. Zurek (2001). "Thick-structured Proterozoic lithosphere of the Rocky Mountain region." GSA Today 11(12): 4-9.
Sheehan, A. F., P. M. Shearer, H. J. Gilbert and K. G. Dueker (2000). "Seismic migration processing of P-SV converted phases for mantle discontinuity structure beneath the Snake River Plain, western United States." Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth 105(8): 19,055-19,065.
Humphreys, E. D., K. G. Dueker, D. L. Schutt and R. B. Smith (2000). "Beneath Yellowstone; evaluating plume and nonplume models using teleseismic images of the upper mantle." GSA Today 10(12): 1-7.
Shen, Y., A. F. Sheehan, K. G. Dueker, G. H. C. de and H. Gilbert (1998). "Mantle discontinuity structure beneath the southern East Pacific Rise from P-to-S converted phases." Science 280(5367): 1232-1235
Schutt, D., E. D. Humphreys and K. Dueker (1998). Anisotropy of the Yellowstone Hot Spot wake, eastern Snake River plain, Idaho. Geodynamics of lithosphere and Earth's mantle; seismic anisotropy as a record of the past and present dynamic processes. J. Plomerova, R. C. Liebermann and V. Babuska. Basel, Switzerland, Birkhaeuser Verlag. 151; 2-4: 443-462.
Lerner-Lam, A. L., A. F. Sheehan, S. Grand, E. D. Humphreys, K. G. Dueker, E. Hessler, H. Guo, D.-K. Lee and M. Savage (1998). "Deep structure beneath the Southern Rocky Mountains from the Rocky Mountain Front broadband seismic experiment." Rocky Mountain Geology 33(2): 199-216.
Keller, G. R., M. Snelson Catherine, F. Sheehan Anne and G. Dueker Kenneth (1998). "Geophysical studies of crustal structure in the Rocky Mountain region; a review." Rocky Mountain Geology 33(2): Pages 217-228.
Dueker, K. G. and A. F. Sheehan (1998). "Mantle discontinuity structure beneath the Colorado Rocky Mountains and High Plains." Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth 103(B4): 7153-7169.
Dueker, K. G. and A. F. Sheehan (1997). Mantle discontinuity structure from midpoint stacks of converted P and S waves across the Yellowstone hotspot track, Journal of Geophysical Research 102(B4): 8313-8327.
Humphreys, E. D. and K. G. Dueker (1994). Western US upper mantle structure, Journal of Geophysical Research 99(B5): 9615-9634.
Dueker, K. and E. Humphreys (1990). Upper-mantle velocity structure of the Great Basin, Geophysical Research Letters 17(9): 1327-1330.