Recent talk summarizing our results on the Yellowstone Hotspot
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For an alternate view of hotspot and plumes see:
New Yellowstone hotspot seismic data
From June 2000 to July of 2001 we operated 47 broad-band PASSCAL seismometers in a 450 km diameter array about the Yellowstone hotspot which is currently beneath the Yellowstone Caldera. Results to date include a Teleseismic P-wave tomogram, a Rayleigh-wave tomogram of shear wave velocity, and mapping of topography on the 410 and 660 km discontinuities.
Short conclusion on Yellowstone hotspot: plume or not?
Our primary finding is that an 80 km wide conduit extends from beneath the current hotspot location (Yellowstone Park) to 500 km depth. We believe the P-wave resolution tests are definitive enough to conclude that the plume ends at 500 km depth. An 18 km down-warp in the 410 km discontinuity is imaged where the low velocity conduit crosses the 410 km depth. An upwarp of the 660 km discontinuity is not imaged consistent with the P-wave tomogram. These new constraints imply that the Yellowstone hotspot is being driven by an upper mantle plume. The finding of a plume is further supported by a surface wave shear-wave velocity tomogram that finds the mantle beneath the Yellowstone hotspot track to be 104 degrees warmer than normal mantle.
Wyoming Yellowstone Researchers
Collaborators: Gene Humphreys (Oregon) Bob Smith (Utah)
Links to papers
Yellowstone P-tomography (accepted GRL Febuary 2005)
Yellowstone 410 and 660 km mantle discontinuityies
GSA Today 2000 Yellowstone review paper
Other Links
Assorted Yellowstone hotspot and plume pictures