



Dr. Barbara John


Dr. Mike Cheadle





Bobbie's research focuses on deformation of continental and oceanic lithosphere, and the relationship between magmatism and deformation.

Our fearless leader's tremendous knowledge of the geology in the Colorado River Extensional Corridor made this trip a resounding success.


Mike's research focuses on igneous processes and the tectonics of slow-spreading oceanic ridges.

It took a week, but Bobbie finally convinced Mike that we were looking at low-angle normal fault gouge and not Noachian flood shale. Mike is the Captain of UW's Royal British Navy.




Graham Baines




Kay Achenbach




Graham is working on his Ph.D. with Prof. Cheadle. He's analyzing potential field and bathymetry data from the Southwest Indian Ridge.

Graham is second-in-command of UW's Royal British Navy. His famous curry kept us all fueled up and ready to do some geology.







Kay is working on her Ph.D. with Prof. Cheadle. She studies upwelling and deformation in the mantle beneath mid-ocean ridges.

The resident botanist was at it again, this time collecting palo verde seeds. She strategically avoided the nasty cholla seeds, unlike some people we know.




Craig Grimes


Lars Hansen





Craig is working on his Ph.D. with Prof. John, using thermochronometry and geochronology to investigate mid-ocean ridge accretion processes.

Whatever you do, don't light a match when Craig is nearby! Especially when he's been chowing down on Graham's curry.


Lars is working on his Masters with Profs. John and Cheadle. He's studying detachment faulting at the Kane oceanic core complex on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

This guy is always eager to get a close-up look at the outcrop. Click here to see for yourself.






Dan Jones


Elena Miranda




Elena's working on her Ph.D. with Prof. John. She studies strain localization in gabbroic rocks on Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge.

Between the gourmet food in camp and the fabulous dance music in the car, we don't know what we would have done on this trip without Elena!




Dan's working on his Ph.D. with Prof. Art Snoke. His research focuses on continental accretion during the Paleoproterozoic.

Dan's a great guy to take camping, because he's got a story (or a corny joke) for every situation. No, literally. Every situation.




Josh Sigler


Josh Schwartz




Josh is working on his Masters with Prof. Art Snoke. His research focuses on the structural development of the Great Divide Basin in southwestern Wyoming.

We owe our many hours of light-saber championships and Nalgene bocce to Josh's brilliant creativity (or maybe his short attention span)!


Josh is working on his Ph.D. with Profs. Bobbie John and Art Snoke. He studies the growth of continental and oceanic crust.

If it weren't for Josh's early-morning swim in freezing cold water, our canoes would still be floating along without us somewhere on the Colorado River!







