Belvoir Ranch Riparian GW Monitoring wells (elevation is picked from Google Earth Pro (; 64-bit) w precision: --- Upstream sites --- GEOPROBE by Bradley James Carr Goose Creek #1: (Upstream site) Location: 41.065100° N; -105.181820° W Elevation: 7288 ft TD = 22 ft. bgs (at refusal) Water Table = 0.52 m bgs Samples from 0-14 ft. bgs Goose Creek#2: (Upstream site) Location: 41.065051° N, -105.181723° W Elevation: 7288 ft TD = 17.3 ft. bgs (at refusal) Water Table = 1.2 m bgs Samples from 0-17.3 ft. bgs Duck Creek#1: (Upstream site) Location: 41.050947° N; -105.192911° W Elevation: 7320 ft TD = 34 ft. bgs (at refusal) Water Table = 2.2 m bgs Samples from 0-34 ft. bgs Duck Creek#2: (Upstream site) Location: 41.050917° N; -105.193037° W Elevation: 7320 ft TD = 34 ft. bgs (at refusal) Water table = 4.4 m bgs (although this was right after completing the well and it’s likely to come up). No samples… Used a solid point to see if we could get further than DC#1. Hand Augering (LTC, upstream site) Participants: Nori & Students; Problem: No motor vehicle access; difficult to create the borehole by augering; abandoned --- Downstream sites --- Wenck & DRILLING ENGINEERS, LLC Well ID Location TD (ft) Water Level^1 (ft bgs) Latitude Longitude Elevation Notes LDC-2(Deep) Duck Creek 50 19.7 41° 03' 06.1" -105° 10' 11.4" None 41.051694, -105.169833 7205 ft double-checked w KMZ LDC-1(Shallow) Duck Creek 15 Dry 41° 03' 06.4" -105° 10' 10.7" Well closer to creek 41.051778, -105.169639 7203 ft double-checked w KMZ LGC-1** Goose Creek 23 20.1 41° 03' 45.1" -105° 9' 33.5" None 41.062528, -105.159306 7197 ft LGC-Casper Goose Creek 20 13.6 41° 03' 52.8" -105° 10' 24.4" None 41.064667, -105.173444 7244 ft LTC-1(Deep) Lone Tree Creek 30 16.5 41° 05' 41.2" -105° 08' 50.2" West well 41.094778, -105.147278 7106 ft LTC-2(Shallow)** Lone Tree Creek 18 Dry 41° 05' 41.8" -105° 08' 49.9" East well 41.094944, -105.147194 7118 ft driller's log 41.094834, -105.147208 7109 ft picked from KMZ All wells have a ~3' stick up mount. Cable lengths for the tranduscers will need to account for this extra footage. ^1 The water levels were measured after drilling or the next day. Static water levels should be verified. ** Coordinate from drillers' log is likely incorrect: need to verify NEXT TIME in the field. --- Stream Gauging Locations --- Stream Gauging Locations Adjacent to Riparian GW Monitoring wells Participants: Nori Ohara, Ye, and UG field assitants ------------------ Upstream Sites: Longitude Latitude Elevation Lone Tree Creek, upstream 41.095453, -105.153664 7143 ft Goose Creek, upstream Next to the 2 Goose Creek upstream riparian wells Duck Creek, upstream 41.050900, -105.192900 7320 ft ------------------ Downstream Sites: Lone Tree Creek, downstream Next to the 2 LTC downstream riparian wells Goose Creek, downstream Next to the 2 Goose Creek downstream riparian wells Duck Creek, downstream Next to the 2 Duck Creek downstream riparian wells