Readings on Slopes, 2016

(for background reading over the next week or two, I expect you to read chapters 1-3 in Anderson and Anderson)

You should read most of Chap 10 in Anderson&Anderson.  The section on Landslides is rather short and a bit weak (pages 330-340).  If you would like more in-depth descriptions and discussion see below: 

Chapters 4,5, and 13 in Selby (Reserve in Library). This book is dated, but still one of the best on landsliding in a geomorphic context.  In chapter 4, read (at least) pages 27-40. In chapter 5, read (at least) pages 49-59. Chapter 13 is a resource for you for slope failures. Be aware that Selby uses (some) different notation than what we used in class (sorry, but everybody uses different notation).

Chapter 4 in Middleton and Wilcox (Also on Reserve), has an excellent section on slope stability, which also is a good introduction to Stress as used in this course.