Homework #10  2018, Earth Surface Processes, Humphrey

The 4th question looks complex, but is just solving a cubic equation.  Don’t panic, there are cubic equation solver apps out there in web-land.  There are a lot of calculations in this homework, take your time and think a little.


1  a.   In class we did a rough estimate of the hydraulic radius (the R in the Mannings eqn.).  Let’s do a better job: estimate the Hydraulic Radius of the Laramie River at minor flood, 1m deep and 4m wide.  Assume a trapezoidal channel shape, 4m wide at the   surface, with straight 45 degree sloping banks, so that the ‘thalwg’ or middle (flat) section is 2m wide

b.   Search the web for an appropriate value of Manningsn’ for the Laramie river. You will have to look at pictures of other rivers and find one that looks similar.  The USGS has a good web site for this. Calculate the Manning velocity and discharge of the Laramie river in minor flood.  Use a depth of 1m and a slope of 5x10-4. 


2.  We have talked about the variability of river discharge.  There are many ways of looking at how river discharge varies.  A useful type of plot is shown below, which nicely shows that the Laramie river typically has only one flood (snow melt dominated) in early summer.



For this exercise, we are going to look at something that is of major interest to many, the question of the likelihood of large floods.  Here is some data from the Laramie river at Laramie:


Flow measurements as reported on UPRR quarterly Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) for WDEQ Permit WY0032590,

Laramie Tie Plant.


Oct       Nov      Dec      Jan       Feb      March   Apr       May      June     July      Aug      Sept

Streamflow (cfs)

1987     8.1        77         49                     54         65         62         157       46         22         7.8        4.5

1988     28         40         26         7.9        7.0       68         201       508       680       48         8.9        5.5

1989     17         44         34         7.1        2.0        61         nr         16         45         13         11         13

1990     36         75         60         27         30         189       36         30         351       50         20         10

1991     7.9        41         76         11         24        104       20         169       612       19         21         11

1992                                                                                                     231

1993     49         102       147       196       264       309       39         407       1016     115       11         36

1994     14         38         67         177       209       93         53         288       77         7.6       7.0        4.7

1995     45         55         53         86         65         68         6.8        111       1281     281      14         15

1996     51         62        88         77         68         79         107       552       1136     420       20         21

1997     115       128       115       55         62         82         101       503       1277     149       110       87

1998     34         55        63         70         75         87         100       305       425       139       66         29

1999     20         18         67         56         60         75         68         496      1126     267      20         17

2000     18         40         13         84         72         45         54         297       101       18         6          13

2001     56         20        54         77         90        75         21         177       66         11         18         26

2002     11         16         21         160       207       174       32         68         56

2003     18         49        68         28         22         22         20         230       556                               14

2004     131       122       113       68        83         72

2005     47         49         81         94         98         90         53         306       1115     95         80         16

2006     188       201       200       126       109       107       159       386       105       187       109       115

2007     143       104       68         200       186       281       146       549       378       78         109       34

2008                                         68         68         68         98         469       1715     316       180       169


The above table shows typical problems with flood analysis.  Real data sets have missing and questionable data.  The above table lists measurements taken once a month, obviously it probably misses the actual flood peaks.  There are more subtle problems with stream data: even if you find more continuous data (e.g. USGS typically reports daily discharge), the actual discharge is not measured, but estimated from river depth.  Any bed or bank erosion or deposition will create errors in this depth based estimate, this is especially a problem at high flows when erosion/deposition is common.  The biggest problem with the Laramie river data, is that over time, various water projects have diverted water from the river.  As a result, the flood data is not ‘stationary’, in other words the flood data does not represent a sample from the same river over time.  The river has been changing, so that we can’t trust the old data to predict the future.


Question 2.

Use Google Earth to find the width of the Laramie river near Optimist Park, specifically near the bridge on W Garfield st..

a) The largest flood in the above record was in 2008, at 1715cfs.  How deep would this flow have been under the Garfield bridge, IF the river stayed in its banks.  Use Manning’s equation, and the slope from previous question.  [hint remember discharge is w*v*d, and you will have to convert from cfs to m^3/s]

b) Hard, if you had to use the data in the table for a specific purpose, such as calculating yearly discharge: 1- how would you use the data for April 1995? 2- And how would you deal with the data for 2002 thru 2004. 3- Is there anything you can do with the 1992 data?


Question 3, recurrence intervals or ‘100 year floods’

Grey River, at Dobson New Zealand

1968 to 2004


Max flow (m3/s)
























































































































































Mean 3761.0









Question 3

To continue thinking about river floods, we will look at some better quality data from the Grey river.

a.       Calculate the recurrence intervals for floods on the Grey River.  Recurrence intervals are what are usually somewhat misleadingly quoted in the popular media as the 100 year flood or whatever the news person wants to emphasize.  There are a variety of methods to calculate recurrence interval, but probably the simplest is as follows: order your data from largest to smallest (this I have done for you).  Now apply the following formula to each datum:

Tr = (N+1)/n,  where N is the total number of observations, n is the ranking in the above list from top to bottom (eq the second from the top is n=2) and Tr is the recurrence interval in years.

b.      Plot the recurrence intervals on a semi log plot.  Use log time on the x-axis and discharge on the y-axis.  We will use a log axis, however there is considerable discussion in the literature about the expected shape of a recurrence interval curve, or more precisely, how floods should be distributed in time.  (If you would like to investigate this more, look up Gumbel Distribution on the web.)  We use a log plot since it is straightforward to plot, not because it is correct.

c.       Use your plot to estimate the 100year flood on the Grey river.  Comment on the accuracy of your prediction.

d.      The channel forming discharge for a meandering river is typically about the 2year flood.  What is the 2 year flood on the Grey River.


4  (this weeks geomorphic puzzle) In class I quickly sketched the energy argument for the difference in behavior of super-critical and sub-critical flow.  The development in class was a sketch of the tradeoff between potential energy and kinetic energy.  I want you to understand this important concept: that water only has so much energy, and the trade off from kinetic to potential (or vice versa) controls a lot of the rivers behavior.  I would like you to follow the logic outlined here and find solutions to illustrate this behavior. 

Consider a rectangular channel of constant width and steady discharge, which has a small bump of height ‘h’ which the flow must cross.  Assume the slope of the flow is so low that we can ignore it and set the elevation of the bed of the incoming flow to be 0, while the bed of the flow over the bump is just h. We will call the initial location 1 and the location at the bump 2.

The incoming depth is d1 and the incoming velocity is v1, since the width is constant, we just look at a 1m wide section of this flow.  The flow over the bump will have depth d2 and velocity v2, and the water surface height over the bump is d2 + h.  Although we don’t yet know values for d2 or v2: they will tell us if the water surface goes up or down, and that is what we solve will for.  The mass flux of water per time incoming is r*v1*d1 and the mass over the bump is the same (or equivalently r*v2*d2).

The kinetic energy of the water is the mass times the square of the velocity divided by 2, while the potential energy is the mass times gravity times the height (d1/2).  To get the total energy in a column we must multiply by the depth.  Since the flow velocity is changing, it is important to multiply by the local velocity (v), to get a total energy flux per unit width per time at each of the two locations.  We assume no energy is lost between points 1 and 2, and so we can write the energy balance for K.E. and P.E. as a statement that the energy flux per time at the two places is equal: [equation A]:

r*v13*d1/2 + r*g*v1*d1 *d1/2   =    r*v23*d2/2 + r*g*v2*d2 *(d2/2 + h)  ,  

where we have been careful to include the extra height of the bump (h) in the potential energy at location 2.  This simplifies considerably since r*v1*d1 is equal to r*v2*d2 .  Further simplification occurs if we write v2 = v1*d1/d2 and multiply the whole equation by d22, to get [equation B]:

0 = [g*v1*d1] *d23 + [2*g*d1*v1*h - v13*d1 -  g*v1*d12] *d22 + [v13*d13 ],

where all terms in ‘[ ]’ brackets are known if we know  v1*d1 .  This is a cubic equation in d2 .  (e.g. the equation is simply 0 = a*d3 + b*d2 + 0*d + c)

      a. Write equation A and write what each term represents, and produce equation B by the indicated steps.

b. To see what the Laramie river might do in encountering a bump in the bed, try putting an input velocity of 1m/s, a depth of 1m, and a bump height of 0.1m.  How much does the water surface drop over the bump?  (don’t forget to add the height of the bump to get the water surface.  You can directly solve the cubic, or use a web app. [you are looking for the real root] Or it is a fairly quick iteration to get a solution: try a d2 of 0.6m to start, improve on that if you can)

c. If you have made it this far;  Finally, just to see the opposite behavior for high Fr number flow, try this with a (unrealistic) flow velocity of 5m/s, depth of .5m and bump of 0.1m.