Lecture photographs and figures Glaciology, GEOL 4888, Spring 2018 Humphrey
These are from a variety of sources, about ½ are mine, and the bulk of the rest are from WIKIPEDIA and similar sources
Pressure temperature relationships for pure water, Phase diagram, Ice1h, more detail
Various ices Phase diagram,
Crystal structure
Crystal macroscopic, detail of ice molecule packing, general lattice, oblique view, ice1c, 1c vs 1h
Hoar crystal, surface hoar, hoar
Optical Adsorption, water, ice, combined
Nakaya Diagram, stressing contrast between water and ice vapor pressure, simplified
Water and ice vapor pressure, vapor over water and ice
Edge dislocation in a cubic lattice, screw dislocation, motion of edge and screw dislocations
densification curve, with 3 process zones
Various glacier forms
Small mountain glaciers, Ruth Gorge, wasted Glacier
Valley glaciers, Bench, mtn/valley
Icebergs, Wedell Sea, Bergy Bits
Empty valley, Theoretical glacier
Negative mass balance, Columbia
Annual layer, and storm layers in wall of crevasse and in Serac, Bench ELA and crevasse closeup
FandWfrom, Earth Radiation budget, Benson, Snowzones
More detail, overview of pika glacier study
Met station on ridge, spring fall
Annual layers in glacier snout 1 2
Water on sfc
to the bed 1
Biscuit board/overdeepended lakes/long profile
and Ice streams
Greenland compared to Antarctica
Barents-Kara Ice Sheet and lakes
Columbia before and after big retreat
Break up of ice shelf, Wilkens
Long time scale changes, glaciations, simplified
A 5million time scale of temperature
Holocene temperature (from Younger Dryas)
Anthropocene (last 2000
Milankovic and Vostok Core O18
Clathrate, burning methane clathrate
Maps of Glaciations (from UWGB)
Arctic Sea Ice movie photos\Annual_Sea_Ice_Minimum_1979-2013_with_Area_Graph.ogv