Homework #2         Glaciology and the Cryosphere, GEOL 4888,  Spring 2018         Humphrey


            A fairly easy homework, especially since we sketched the results in class.   Double underline your answers so I can find them.

1.    Calculate how much ice is formed in a one liter bottle of supper-cooled water at -6C, if the bottle is shaken to nucleate ice? Remember, the freezing takes little time, so the basic assumption is that the total thermal energy of the bottle remains unchanged, before and after freezing.  You should be able to get this answer accurate to 2 significant figures.

2.    Questions on the Clausius-Clapeyron slope of the ice phase diagram

A Calculate the pressure melting point (the temperature at which the ice would melt) under the ice in central Greenland, assume the ice is 3000m thick?

B Assume the ice is at this calculated temperature, and that it has been for 1000s of years; is it melting due to the pressure?

C In a mountain glacier the entire ice mass is often at the melting point.  What is the temperature gradient per meter in the vertical (Z, the vertical coordinate is positive up, so include the correct sign in your answer).