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Graduate Students (Fall 2010)
Steve Hansen PhD Zhu Zhang PhD Joe McClenahan MS Katie Foster PhD
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Graduate Geophysics Curriculum Info.
Some Former Graduate Students
Josh Stachnik (PhD 2010)
Post-doc in seismology at CIRES
Huaiyu Yuan (PhD 2007)
Post-doc in seismology at Berkeley
John Jabinsek (PhD 2008)
Professor at California Polytechnic
Brian Zurek (MS 2004)
PhD at Lehigh Univ., Now at Exxon-Mobil
David Fee (MS 2005)
PhD in acoustics at Hawaii Univ., Now at AEIC
Course Work Taught
Graduate level
Global Seismology Inverse Theory
Undergraduate level
Introduction to Geophysics Earth Science: Intellect. Comm.